Tuesday 29 December 2015

Hi Friends,

Today I am going to share how to start learn ADF.

Open your Jdevloper.

Click on New application.
Click on Ok and complete 5 steps(Just click next).And finally click on finish.

Here we can see Two projects one is for Model components and another one is for ViewController.
Just click on next and complete the entire wizard.
Now it is a time to creating Model Components.
In earlier version like in OAF model components are bc4j and now ADF Business components.
Step 1: Right Click on Model Components and Create ADF Business components.

OAF Interview Questions:

1)Explain About MVC Architecture.

Ans: MVC means model,view and controller structure.

Here user interface will be consider as View(UI) in OAF we have UI in XML format.
Controller will capture the user actions and interact with model components.In OAF we have controller as a java class consists of three methods.

Process Request:
Before page loading if you want perform any activity need to write a code in this method.

Process Form Data:
It handle the data flow on page.

Process Form request:
if you want perform any activity based on events/fire actions need to write a code in this method.

coming to model :it will interact with database below objects will consider as model components.
Application Module:It will establish the data base connection.
Handle the transactions like commit and roll back.

2)How to roll back page if some one deleted page from application server ?

You can get the same page from MDS using JDR_UTILS.PRINTDOCUMENT('<page name with location>');

3)How find the page information and version ?

enable FND_DIAGNOSTICS,FND_PRES%SELF%SERVICE% profile options using sysadmin responsibilty.

It will enable the About this page link and personalization link.
Go to About this page and click on page context tab.
here you will find the DBC file name and version details.

4)How to delete the customizations in OAF?

First get the customizations on page using :

JDR_UTILS.LISTCUSTOMIZATIONS('<page name with location>'); 

Delete the customizations using below API.

JDR_UTILS.DELETEDOCUMENT('<page name with location>');

5)explain the deployment steps from local system to server ?

How to display popup in OAF:

StringBuffer l_buffer = new StringBuffer();
l_buffer.append("javascript:window.onbeforeunload(YOUR POP UP)");
Importing VO substitution using Unix script:

java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.JPXImporter /<location of file><name of object.jpx> -username apps -password APPS#NES1 -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=<>)(Port=<>)) (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<>)))"

Page import:

java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter <Page location> -username apps -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= <>)(PORT=<>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<>)))" -rootdir $JAVA_TOP

Import page from cmd prompt:

import from cmd:

import D:\<page name >xml -rootdir D:\OAF\jdevhome\jdev\myprojects -username apps -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<>)(PORT=<>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<>)))"

from unix :

java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter $JAVA_TOP/<> -username apps -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= <>)(PORT=<>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<>)))" -rootdir $JAVA_TOP

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Basics of purchase order  in oracle apps R12:

To create a PO we need below set-ups :

1)Create a User
2)define person
3)assign job
4)Assign manger if needed
5)assign above person in FND user
6)define buyer from purchasing responsibility
7)Check the approval assignment
8)check the approval group for above approval assignment
9)open purching periods
10)open GL and inventory periods
11)check Owner Can Approve  flag in setups -->document types and click on update symbol

How to find the concurrent program name from request Id:

SELECT DISTINCT a.request_id, c.USER_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME,round(((sysdate-a.actual_start_date)*24*60*60/60),2) AS Process_time,
a.request_id,a.parent_request_id,a.request_date,a.actual_start_date,a.actual_completion_date,(a.actual_completion_date-a.request_date)*24*60*60 AS end_to_end,
(a.actual_start_date-a.request_date)*24*60*60 AS lag_time,d.user_name, a.phase_code,a.status_code,a.argument_text,a.priority
apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a,apps.fnd_concurrent_programs b,apps.FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS_TL c,apps.fnd_user d
AND b.concurrent_program_id=c.concurrent_program_id
AND a.requested_by=d.user_id
and a.request_id ='131645275'
order by Process_time desc;

Wednesday 2 December 2015

To get the name of service :

select class_name, irep_name, class_type, class_id
where irep_name like '%Purchase%';

SELECT ff.TYPE, ff.irep_method_name, fif.function_id, ff.function_name, fic.class_name, irep_name, fif.description
FROM fnd_form_functions_vl ff, fnd_irep_function_flavors fif, fnd_irep_classes fic
WHERE 1 = 1

AND fif.function_id = ff.function_id
AND ff.irep_class_id = fic.class_id
AND (irep_name LIKE 'HR%' OR irep_name LIKE 'PER%' OR irep_name LIKE 'PAY%')
The below script would list down all HRMS APIs of PLSQL type and their mandatory parameters, this can be used to build the basic skeleton for your custom wrapper programs.

SELECT irep_name || '.' || ff.irep_method_name api, fp.param_name, fp.param_direction,
fp.param_optional, fp.DEFAULT_VALUE, fp.parameter_type
FROM fnd_form_functions_vl ff,
fnd_irep_function_flavors fif,
fnd_irep_classes fic,
fnd_parameters fp
WHERE 1 = 1
AND fif.function_id = ff.function_id
AND ff.irep_class_id = fic.class_id
AND function_name LIKE 'PLSQL%'
AND (irep_name LIKE 'HR%' OR irep_name LIKE 'PER%' OR irep_name LIKE 'PAY%')
AND fp.function_id = ff.function_id
AND param_optional = 'N'
ORDER BY 1, param_sequence

Thursday 3 September 2015

How to find the responsibility name and key in Oracle apps:

SELECT unique r.responsibility_key,responsibility_name,
FROM apps.fnd_user u,
apps.fnd_user_resp_groups ur,
apps.fnd_responsibility r,
apps.fnd_application_tl a,
apps.fnd_application fa,
apps.fnd_responsibility_tl tl
AND ur.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id
AND ur.responsibility_id = tl.responsibility_id
AND u.user_id = ur.user_id
AND fa.application_id = a.application_id
AND r.application_id = a.application_id
AND u.user_name = UPPER(:user_name)
and tl.language ='US'

Wednesday 8 April 2015

CSS Class in OAF:

commonly used

OraFieldText Updatable Fields
OraDataText Display Only Fields
OraPromptText Used for Prompts, Checkboxes
OraLinkText For Links/URLs
OraInstructionText For Plain Text Instruction

complete list

OraBody used on the element to define the default bgcolor/font family for the entire page
OraApplicationSwitcherText label of Application Switcher
OraPromptText Text Prompts (Labels)
OraDataText Data text string anywhere in page except in tables - also often used for numeric values which don't need to be right-aligned
OraFieldText Text and numeric data in standard Web widget (field, poplist)
OraFieldTextDisabled Renders gray text in disabled form controls such as text fields, radio buttons, check boxes - does not match current BLAF guidelines
OraFieldNumber Right-aligned numeric Data in Field
OraFieldNumberDisabled Renders gray text for disabled Numeric Data fields - does not match current BLAF guidelines
OraInstructionText Instruction Text
OraInstructionTextStrong Instruction Text with Emphasis
OraPageStampText Page stamp text
OraPageStampLabel Page stamp label
OraButtonText Action/Navigation Button Text
OraButtonTextDisabled Button Text - disabled
OraLinkText Link Text (would be underlined with href tag)
OraVLinkText visited link text (would be underlined with href tag)
OraALinkText active link text - color change on mouse button down (would be underlined with href tag)
OraGlobalButtonText Global Button Enabled} (This would be an "a href" link
OraGlobalButtonTextSelected Global Button Active
OraGlobalButtonTextDisabled Global Button Disabled
OraTipText Tip Text for page or section of page
OraTipLabel Tip label (the word "Tip") in bold
OraInlineErrorText Inline Error Text embedded in page content (not in message box; not for other message types)
OraInlineInfoText Inline Info and Hint Text embedded in page content (not in message box; not for other message types)
OraTextInline Variant of OraInlineInfoText - not specified in current BLAF guidelines
OraErrorHeader Header for Error Message Only
OraErrorNameText Error Name Text
OraMessageBoxList numbered list within message box for list of informational or warning messages (not for error messages)
OraMessageBoxLink blue links in message boxes - current BLAF guidelines specify brown links
OraMessageBoxParagraph body text in non-error message boxes
OraMessageBoxErrorList numbered list in red text within message box for list of error messages
OraMessageBoxErrorLink blue links in message boxes - current BLAF guidelines specify brown links
OraMessageBoxErrorParagraph red paragraph text in Error message boxes
OraPrivacy Link in Footer to Privacy Statement
OraCopyright Copyright Statement Text in Footer
OraCalendarTitle Title of Date Picker - usually name of the month
OraCalendarHeader Date Picker column headers - usually days of the week
OraCalendarEnabled Days in Date Picker that can be selected
OraCalendarDisabled Days in Date Picker that are invalid for the current context
OraCalendarSelected Selected days(s) in the in Date Picker
OraShuttleLinkText Link text placed below each arrow button in the middle of the shuttle
OraNav1Selected Tab [level 1] selected
OraNav1Enabled Tab [level 1] enabled
OraNav1Disabled Tab [level 1] disabled
OraNav2Selected Horizontal Navigation [level 2] selected
OraNav2Enabled Horizontal Navigation [level 2] enabled
OraNav2Disabled Horizontal Navigation [level 2] disabled
OraNav3Selected Side Navigation [level 3] selected
OraNav3Enabled Side Navigation [level 3] enabled
OraNav3Disabled Side Navigation [level 3] disabled
OraNavBarActiveLink used for enabled NavigationBarBean links (a "next" link when there are more items to view.)
OraNavBarInactiveLink used for NavigationBarBean Next/Previous links when there are no more Next/Previous contents to be viewed
OraNavBarViewOnly used for the step text (such as "Step 1 of 5") in a single-item NavigationBarBean
OraTrainActive current page in step-by-step locator a.k.a. "train"
OraTrainVisited visited page(s) in step by step locator a.k.a. "train"
OraTrainUnvisited page(s) not yet visited page in step-by-step locator a.k.a. "train"
OraCrumbsSelected current page (without link) in breadcrumbs
OraCrumbsEnabled Pages higher in the hierarchy (with links enabled) in breadcrumbs
OraHeader Standard dark blue header on white background
OraHeaderSub Standard dark blue subheader on white background
OraHeaderSubSub Standard dark blue subsubheader on white background
OraDarkHeader Dark Header on dark beige in Side Navigation of Home page - usually subheader and subsubheader are used instead
OraDarkHeaderSub Dark Subheader on dark beige in Side Navigation of Home page
OraDarkHeaderSubSub Dark Subsubheader on dark beige in Side Navigation of Home page
OraLightHeader Light blue header on light or medium beige background for content containers - usually subheader and subsubheader are used instead
OraLightHeaderSub Light blue subheader on light or medium beige background - typically in content containers
OraLightHeaderSubSub Light blue subsubheader on light background - typically in content containers
OraColorHeader Header on Blue for content containers - usually subheader and subsubheader are used instead
OraColorHeaderSub Subheader on Blue - typically in content containers
OraColorHeaderSubSub SubsubHeader on Blue - typically in content containers
OraPortletHeader Portlet Content Header on White - currently only used for a Portal demo
OraDarkPortletHeader Portlet Content Header on Beige - currently only used for a Portal demo
OraGlobalPageTitle Global header when there are no Tab links
OraTableTitle Table Title - used instead of Subheader when other elements separate the subheader from the table AND no control bar is present
OraTable Background color for table gridlines
OraTableControlBarText text in table Control Bar (band appearing at top of some tables that contains controls)
OraTableColumnHeader Table Column Header
OraTableColumnHeaderNumber same as Table Column Header but with right aligned numeric header
OraTableColumnHeaderIconButton Table Column Header with centered action button
OraTableSortableColumnHeader Sortable Table Column Header -- cursor turns to hand over header cell
OraTableSortableColumnHeaderNumber sortable form of numeric Table Column Header
OraTableSortableColumnHeaderIconButton sortable form of Table Column Header with centered action button
OraTableRowHeader Table Row Header
OraTableColumnFooter for left-aligned text in table column footer, except for totals
OraTableTotal right-aligned "Total" label that appears in footer cell to left of numeric total
OraTableAddTotal left-aligned "Total" label that appears in column header cell
OraTableTotalNumber right-aligned total value that appears in footer cell below the totalled column
OraTableTotalText left-aligned total value -- useful in updateable tables with more than one totaled column
OraTableCellText Table Cell Text
OraTableCellTextBand Table Cell Text in row with band of color
OraTableCellNumber numeric Table Cell Text - only required if column features calculations
OraTableCellNumberBand numeric Table Cell Text in row with band of color - only required if column features calculations
OraTableCellIconButton Table Cell containing an action/navigation button
OraTableCellIconButtonBand numeric band color table cell containing an action/navigation button
OraTableCellSelect select column with check box or radio button
OraTableCellSelectBand select column with check box or radio button in row with band of color
OraTableVerticalGrid Table Background Vertical Grid Color
OraTableVerticalHeaderGrid Table Background Vertical Grid Color in Column Header
OraTableHorizontalGrid Table Background Horizontal Grid Color
OraTableHorizontalHeaderGrid Table Background Horizontal Grid Color in Row Header
OraTableShadowHeaderGrid renders shadow for sortable table headers???
OraTableHeaderLink Used for column headers rendered by SortableHeaderBean for headers which aren't sortable
OraTableSortableHeaderLink Link in Header of Sortable Column
OraTableDetail Used for details child in conjunction with Hide/Show in a table row
OraIndentHeader Indents second and later occurrences of subheaders 20 pixels relative to page header
OraSpacingHeader Spacing for Page Title Header: 7 pixels above and 2 below
OraSpacingHeaderSub Spacing for first SubHeader on page: 10 pixels above and 2 below
OraSpacingHeaderLarge Spacing for second and later occurrences of subheaders: 20 pixels above and 2 below

Friday 27 February 2015

How to get the responisbility key and application short name assigned to user:

SELECT unique r.responsibility_key,
FROM fnd_user u,
fnd_user_resp_groups ur,
fnd_responsibility r,
fnd_application_tl a,
fnd_application fa
AND ur.responsibility_id = r.responsibility_id
AND u.user_id = ur.user_id
AND fa.application_id = a.application_id
AND r.application_id = a.application_id
AND u.user_name = UPPER(:user_name)