Friday 27 December 2013

What is OAF?

OAF is an Oracle Application Framework ,tightly coupled with Oracle Applications(Oracle ERP).
Using OAF we can develop Forms based on Oracle Apps Data Base and we can  run using Oracle Responsibility.

 OAF Vs Oracle Forms:

OAF Forms
OAF pages are light weighed pages.
Oracle Forms are heavy weighted compare to OAF.
Look and Feel is very good comparing to Forms.
Low level Look and Feel.
We can save development time.
Comparing to OAF page it will take huge time.
A page is divided into regions. Regions contain
fields, buttons, tables, and other components.
A form is divided into blocks; blocks contain the fields, buttons, and other components.
 OAF pages are integrated with the Java Top
 Forms are integrated with Application Top

How to find the correct version of jdeveloper:

  1. Click on About this page.
  2. Go to page context tab
  3. Here we can see OAFramework Version like
  4. Search in meta link using above version and get the correct jdeveloper.
Now we got the Jdeveloper,next step is installation(setup).

Setup Jdeveloper for OAF:
  1.  Unzip the patch in any drive.
  2. Create a environment variable as below:   
Variable Name
Variable Value

 3.Go to Patchnum\jdevbin\jdev\bin and double click on jdev,you will get a window of jdeveloper.

After double clicking on jdev symbol we will get below screen.
Select the application and right click on application select new OAWorkSpace.
It will automatically prompt for work space name.
Next it will prompt for project.
Here default package name must be start with your project or client name like<application short name(example:po)>.<component name(example:requisition)>.webui
In next step we will create a data base connection:

After that click on test tab and test the connection.
Next step it will ask for dbc file.Before selecting dbc file place your DBC file in jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure folder and select the same file.

After completing of all of the above steps you will get below screen shows that project and work space.
 and click on save all to save the work.
we can see the .jws and .jpr files in \jdevhome\jdev\myprojects.